Mapping Your Way to Success: Why Accurate Online Listings Are Your Business's North Star

What’s happening: Many businesses are not effectively leveraging their online presence to entice customers into their physical locations. One study by Placeable found that 73% of consumers lose trust in a brand when the online listing contains incorrect information.

Why it matters: Accurate online listings are essential for businesses to successfully attract and convert potential customers. Inaccurate or incomplete information can lead to customer frustration, loss of trust, and missed opportunities for sales.

  1. NAP data is crucial: The second most desired information in online searches is the business address, yet many businesses have incorrect addresses listed. New or unestablished businesses need to ensure that their address is recognized by both City Hall and the USPS.

  2. Mobile searches drive purchases: Localeze reported that over 75% of mobile searches end in purchases if the business details are correct. Inaccurate or missing details can cost potential customers.

  3. Websites still matter: Despite the rise of mobile searches, over 60% of PC searches can lead to purchases. Accurate and consistent online listings that reflect a business’s website are essential.

  4. Local search results are trusted: A Neustar study found that local search results are the most trusted. Trust in local businesses leads to customer loyalty, business growth, and satisfied customers.

The bottom line: Accurate online listings are essential for businesses to successfully attract and convert potential customers. Inaccurate or incomplete information can lead to customer frustration, loss of trust, and missed opportunities for sales.


Adding to the burden:  Manually creating, submitting, and monitoring listings across various data aggregators and listing sites can be time-consuming and overwhelming for business owners. Each platform requires separate accounts and passwords, and the task of constantly checking and updating these listings is daunting, especially considering the tendency for data corruption over time.

Automation is key: offers a seamless solution for business owners looking to automate the process of maintaining accurate online listings. With a single dashboard, FoxWerx streamlines the submission, monitoring, and updating of your business information across various platforms, saving you valuable time and ensuring that your customers always have access to accurate information.


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It’s one thing to simply put your business online. It’s another to truly entice potential customers into your physical store, office, or showroom. The process is analogous to a sticky flytrap – but instead of capturing insects, we’re trying to catch paying customers from the digital realm.

But what if that flytrap is in the wrong location? Or it’s only available at certain hours? This is what happens when businesses have inaccurate or incomplete online listings. It’s akin to inviting someone to your house for dinner and then changing the address without telling them. The result, unsurprisingly, is frustration and disappointment.

Consider this: 73% of consumers lose trust in a brand when the online listing contains incorrect information. As a business, you’re not just giving directions; you’re providing a promise, a commitment to being where you say you’ll be.

One of the most important pieces of information in an online listing is the hours of operation. A study by Localeze found that hours of operation were the most helpful feature for selecting a business during a local search. Think of the customer who shows up at your store on a Monday at 7 p.m., eager to make a purchase, only to find out that you’re closed. You’ve not only lost a sale but also broken the customer’s trust.

This leads us to the issue of NAP data – that is, Name, Address, and Phone number. While many people assume that the primary reason for online searches is to find the address of a business, it’s actually the second most sought-after information after hours of operation. However, having an incorrect address can be just as detrimental as having incorrect hours. The USPS has a complex system for verifying addresses, and most search engines rely on it. So, if your business is new or in an unestablished location, you have to make sure that both the City Hall and the USPS recognize your address.

We live in a mobile age. Mobile searches are increasingly driving in-store purchases, with Localeze reporting that more than 75% of such searches end in a purchase – if the business details are correct. If your details are wrong or missing, you’ve lost those potential customers.

Websites still matter. Despite the rise of mobile searches, over 60% of searches on PCs can lead to purchases. An accurate and consistent listing that reflects your business website is essential.

And it’s not just about accuracy; it’s also about convenience. People are using a myriad of devices to search for local businesses – desktops, laptops, smartphones, tablets. Web developers have started designing sites that are scalable to the device, responding to this shift. But what we search for, according to Localeze, varies by time of day and device. So, it’s essential that your listing is correct across all formats.

Lastly, there’s trust. A study by Neustar found that local search results are the most trusted. It’s no surprise, really. Would you rather buy something from a local store where you can get instant gratification, or wait a week for delivery from an impersonal online giant? Trust leads to loyalty, and loyalty leads to business growth and happy customers.

It all starts with that correct listing in the local search. Just like the flytrap, your business needs to be in the right place, at the right time, with the right information. Otherwise, you risk losing the very customers you’re trying to attract.


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