Supercharge Your Brand With Video

What’s happening: Video marketing is a powerful tool for boosting your brand’s presence and forming meaningful connections with customers, as billions of videos are shared daily across platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.

Why it matters: Videos offer a unique and engaging way to tell your brand’s story, humanize your business, showcase your products, and create a sense of community.


  • Tell your brand’s story by sharing personal information about your brand’s origin, your experience in the industry, and introducing the people behind the business to form a meaningful connection with current and potential customers.
  • Feature your team by having key members share their personal stories, industry history, and job responsibilities, further humanizing your brand.
  • Go behind the scenes by filming day-to-day activities, product research and development, sampling, testing, and customer interactions, showcasing your dedication and hard work, and building meaningful connections with customers.
  • Showcase your products by highlighting their features and benefits, providing demonstrations, usage tips, answering common questions, and offering information on their release.
  • Highlight events by filming company outings, brainstorming sessions, and live-streamed events, inviting customers to feel more connected to your brand community.
  • Create educational videos to teach industry information, position yourself as an industry expert, differentiate yourself from competitors, and allow for creative content, such as detailed Q&As or repurposed informational blog posts.
  • Harness customer testimonials by featuring trusted and happy customers sharing their experiences, and engaging social media influencers or brand ambassadors to discuss their positive experiences with your product.
  • Capitalize on user-generated content to celebrate and promote your online community, showing prospective customers your existing fans, but always ensure to obtain permission before reposting content shared through branded hashtags or challenges.

Full story:
Video marketing is a highly effective way to catapult your brand. As you’re probably aware, billions of videos are shared daily, all over the world. If you’re not already using videos to help leverage your brand and your business, you absolutely should consider starting right away. Your videos can be shared across social media platforms, including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and more. 

It can be challenging to continually develop new video ideas, so here’s a roadmap for you to get on the video bandwagon. The goal is for you to keep creating and posting fun, engaging new videos so that you can keep reaching – and, more importantly, connecting with – more and more customers. Feel free to have fun and let your personalities shine. Video marketing is a necessity, so you might as well have fun during the process.

1. Share the Story of Your Brand

This is the perfect chance for you to share personal information about how, why, when, and where your brand came to be. You can share your history about how, when, and why you joined your industry and your past experience. Not only does this humanize you and your brand, but it also introduces the people behind your business – the people running the show. This helps form a meaningful connection for current and potential customers, and these purposeful connections can help inspire future purchases.

2. Have Team Members Share Their Stories

Just as it’s important for you as the leader to share your personal history, it can be very effective to have key members of your team do the same thing. And just like you, they can share their personal stories about how many years they’ve worked in the industry and what drew them to it. They can talk about what inspires them and what they love about the industry. Additionally, they can share what their job responsibilities entail. 

3. Offer A Peek Behind the Curtain

Telling your brand story, and having your key team members share their industry histories, is an excellent way to leverage video content to boost your brand’s online presence, but there are ways to take it even further. We all love content that lets us see the brand behind the brand. After successfully tackling the steps above, consider filming some fun behind-the-scenes footage. This can include (but is not limited to) day-to-day activities, product research and development, sampling, testing, customer interactions (with customer permission, of course), and any other lively things that happen with your business on a daily basis. All of this shows just how hard all of you work to make your business tick, which only adds to your brand’s overall perceived value. This kind of content also helps build meaningful connections with current and potential customers, which carries so much weight.

4. Brag About Your Goods

Now it’s time to shine a light on some of your most popular products. Create videos with them as the focus, highlighting their features and benefits. Describe in detail the problem they solve, and what makes them different from similar products on the market. You can also use this opportunity to answer common questions, do product demonstrations, and offer a series of tips for using the product. Do the same thing when you’re launching a new product or service. Highlight their features and benefits, do demonstrations, offer usage tips, and provide information on when and where they’ll be released.  

5. Highlight Events

If your brand hosts events throughout the year, or even if you have a company outing, get some footage for a video. If you have a meeting where you’re concepting or discussing some big upcoming plans for your brand, you could also grab some footage of that. You may even choose to live stream a particular event. Highlighting your events can be a great way to invite current and potential customers to feel like they’re a part of your brand community – which makes them feel connected to your brand

6. Have Teaching Moments

Educational videos continue to be very popular. These types of videos can be broader and more in-depth than the ones listed above. This is your chance to teach your industry information, not just your specific products. You can be as creative as you’d like with this. The sky truly is the limit. Not only is this content valuable from an education standpoint, it also positions you as an expert in your field and differentiates you from your competitors. Additionally, you could use this opportunity to provide specific guides for certain processes related to your brand, or you could do a detailed Q&A. If your business has a blog, consider turning some of your informational blog posts into educational videos. 

7. Harness the Power of Testimonials

Let’s face it. Having testimonials from delighted customers is basically like having proof that your products are amazing. And people who are considering buying a product or service are really interested in what current customers have to say about them. People are constantly reading online reviews about products, right? So make this work for you. As with other kinds of brand marketing videos, feel free to get as creative as you like with this. Choose some of your most trusted and favorite customers, and ask them to take a video of themselves talking about when they first started using your brand and why they love it. Interview new happy customers who are so glad to have found you, and have them explain their experiences. Engage with social media influencers or brand ambassadors to create positive and engaging footage about your brand. They can discuss their experiences using your product, item quality, ease of use, and how you differ from your competitors.

8. Capitalize on User-Generated Content

Your digital marketing campaign is about creating your brand’s online community, right? Well, sharing user-generated content is a terrific way for you to celebrate and promote your community. This shows prospective clients that you already have a legion of fans who adore and know everything about your product. This includes (but is not limited to) reposting content that current customers have already posted on social media. Please keep in mind that you’d need to get their permission before you repost anything. You may also choose to pull content that’s shared through a hashtag that you’ve created specifically for your brand or to create some sort of “challenge” related to your brand with a dedicated hashtag that invites user-generated content. Again, you should ask for permission before reposting anything from challenges or hashtags.

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